
ProfessorFlash's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 444 (From 143 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 7,170 Points

Plumet 2

Medals Earned: 1/24 (10/180 points)

A rock could fall further 10 Points

Fall 100 Metres

Bear unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Bear character

Chicken unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Chicken character

Cloaked man unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Cloaked man character

Dinosaur unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Dinosaur character

Fancyman unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Fancyman character

Hazmat unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Hazmat character

Knight unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Knight character

Ninja unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Ninja character

Pirate unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Pirate character

Pumpkinman unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Pumpkinman character

Purple fancyman unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Purple fancyman character

Rabbit unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Rabbit character

Robot unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Robot character

Santa unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Santa character

Skeleton unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Skeleton character

Soldier unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Soldier character

Streaker unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Streaker character

Yellowman unlocked 5 Points

Unlocked the Yellowman character

Good fall 10 Points

Fall 600 metres

Not bad 10 Points

Fall 400 metres

Super fall 10 Points

Fall 800 metres

Falling master 25 Points

Fall 1000 metres

Plumet king 25 Points

Fall 1200 metres


Medals Earned: 4/20 (25/590 points)

Close Encounter 5 Points

Kill an enemy right before it reaches you

Jolly Killing 5 Points

Kill 100 enemies

Man Handler 5 Points

Kill an enemy with your fist

Survivalist 10 Points

Defeat 6 waves in a row without dying

Combo Madness 10 Points

Do a 6 kill combo

Present Frenzy 10 Points

Quickly open 5 gifts consecutively

Strike! 10 Points

Kill 4 enemies with 1 bowling ball

Too Hot For TV 10 Points

Electrocute at least 3 enemies at once with a TV

Deathmas 25 Points

Experience death from all enemy types

Efficiency 25 Points

Survive 5 minutes in Time Mode

Immortal 25 Points

Defeat 12 waves in a row without dying

Kingpin 25 Points

Score 1500 points in Bowling Mode

Naughty Or Nice 25 Points

Kill 1 of each enemy type

Spoiled Rotten 25 Points

Upgrade everything at least once

Spread The Joy 25 Points

Use all weapons

Dark Time 50 Points

Survive 10 minutes in Time Mode

Darkest Night 50 Points

Reach half the Wave Mode

Evil Dawn 50 Points

Beat the Wave Mode

Hell Time 100 Points

Survive 15 minutes in Time Mode

Well Prepared 100 Points

Fully upgrade all weapons and traps

Portal Defenders

Medals Earned: 5/23 (30/540 points)

Big Fuzzy Hug 5 Points

Defeat BigFuzzyKitten.

First Blood 5 Points

Hit your first enemy.

Jump-Man 5 Points

Press the jump button to take flight!.

Fishmonger 10 Points

Defeat Psycho-Goldfish.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Exasperated 5 Points

View the game walkthrough.

Konami 5 Points

Toggle Halloween Mode on or off.

Chamber Maid 10 Points

Defeat Mindchamber.

ZAMBONI 10 Points

Get 80% or more on P-bot's cleanup mini-game.

Ambiguous Duo 25 Points

Defeat Stamper & Jeff.

BFFs 25 Points

Best Friends Forever! Beat the game with both Tom and Dan.

Hollow Weiner 25 Points

Beat the game in Halloween Mode.

Nose Diver 25 Points

View every game-over ending (1 for each wave).

Zombiieez! 25 Points

Eat 5 brains in one game.

Finesser 50 Points

Beat the game without using bombs.

King of the Portal 50 Points

Send the game's final boss back to the abyss.

Kitty Litter 50 Points

Defeat the Kitty Krew without taking any damage.

Vegan 50 Points

Beat the game without eating any guts.

Over-achiever 100 Points

Beat the game at least once with all 6 characters.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Power Devour!

Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/210 points)

The 3d-Xelu Award 5 Points

Give up in the 2nd part

Devourful 50 Points

Get a 50 combo

Powerful 50 Points

Get 5000+ points

Level Infinity 100 Points

Reach it (it's level 6)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pumpkin Invasion

Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/365 points)

Kill Boss 1 5 Points

Kill boss 1 in Arcade Mode

Get 50 Candies in Survival Mode 10 Points

Collect 50 candies before being killed in Survival Mode.

Get 150 Candies in Survival Mode 25 Points

Collect 150 candies before being killed in Survival Mode.

Kill Boss 4 25 Points

Kill boss 4 in Arcade Mode - The Bat Boss

Complete Arcade Mode 50 Points

Destroy all 5 bosses and save the universe from Pumpkin rule!

Destroy 10000 Enemies 50 Points

Kill 10000 enemies in any game mode.

Arcade Candy Challenge 100 Points

Complete Arcade Mode and finish the game with at least 300 candies. Remember, you lose candy when you die...

Get 333 Candies in Survival Mode 100 Points

Collect 333 candies before being killed in Survival Mode.

Quietus II

Medals Earned: 6/10 (80/355 points)

Beginner 5 Points

Beat 5 levels.

Initiate 5 Points

Beat 10 levels.

Hopeful 10 Points

Beat 15 levels.

Middleman 10 Points

Beat 20 levels.

Talent 25 Points

Beat 25 levels.

Worker 25 Points

Beat 30 levels.

Finders, Keepers 25 Points

Open 20 chests.

Spelunker 50 Points

Beat 35 levels.

Angel 100 Points

Beat the game.

Dedicated 100 Points

Open all 40 chests.

Red Moon

Medals Earned: 5/13 (80/490 points)

Art Piece 10 Points

Collect 1 concept art.

Mere 5 10 Points

Defeat 5 enemies.

Sound of Music 10 Points

Collect 1 sound track.

Halfway There 25 Points

Complete half of the game.

Killer 30 25 Points

Defeat 30 enemies.

Introduction 10 Points

Watch the introduction cinematic.

Art Collector 25 Points

Collect all concept art.

Sound Guru 25 Points

Collect all sound tracks.

Don't Skip 'Em 50 Points

Watch all cinematics.

Long Live The King 50 Points

Complete the game.

Slayer 80 50 Points

Defeat 80 enemies.

Orb Hunter 100 Points

Collect all Red Orbs.

Red Moon Deity 100 Points

Complete the game without dying.

Riddles of Renaissance

Medals Earned: 1/10 (5/305 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Why did the egg cross the road? 10 Points

Because the chicken was waiting for it on the other side.

Pope 25 Points

Get the "Pope" class (10 stars).

Punteggio perfetto 25 Points

Achieve a perfect score (300).

Those are for codardi 25 Points

Complete the game without the use of hints.

Art historian 50 Points

Unlock all the paintings in the gallery.

Enigma Show 50 Points

On Master difficulty, complete the game in no more than 60 seconds AND achieve a pope ranking.

Addicted 100 Points

Beat the game four times without closing it.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Ripple Dot Zero

Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/205 points)

Lab Rat 5 Points

You woke up, you were flushed, you escaped...

Moonwalker 50 Points

Completed the game

Ripple Dot Master 50 Points

Completing the game with good ending

Messiah 100 Points

All Ripples Rescued


Medals Earned: 1/11 (10/110 points)

Monk 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a monk.

Barbarian 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a barbarian.

Knight 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a knight.

Ninja 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a ninja.

Paladin 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a paladin.

Priest 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a priest.

Ranger 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a ranger.

Sorceress 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a sorceress.

Thief 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a thief.

Warrior 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a warrior.

Wizard 10 Points

You climbed the tower as a wizard.