I remember playing the original game, that one was "okay". You seem to have managed to make the sequel quite irritating.
I was put off immediately by the menu. Once the "car" (I'm going to call it car from now on :P) drops on the "play" button, you can't start the game. I pressed space and nothing happens. I had to first move the car and then press space for it to work = irritating.
Then the next menu, practice or time trial. First of all, if you need to explain how to use the menu, it fails right away. In your menu you can't click the buttons, it reads there select with arrow keys. I press right and hit space, and I'm back at the starting menu. I go again and I really have to read the instructions to use the menu, that is ridiculous! Why make it so complicated? And by complicated I mean that you can't navigate through the menu without reading THE INSTRUCTIONS. Holding down the arrow key and then pressing space isn't complicated, but the fact that it's not even close to be the obvious choice makes it complicated for first timers, and IRRITATING!
Now that I'm already annoyed by the menu, I get to the game. The first levels are simple "drive at max speed and push the ball". I don't really feel like I did anything, the levels kinda played themselves. But then comes the levels like the "where's the ball". The car has no brakes! It is very very easy to drive of the ledge and have to restart again. And there's too many of the ledges. You didn't make that level hard, you made it extremely irritating. Because if you just drive like an old lady, you get through it easily. But like I said, it's also too long, so it's boring.
And overall it's just too easy to mess up the level. The physics and the car control is irritating. My overall impression of the game: very irritating game :P. But it's an ok game if you don't get as easily annoyed like I do :).