it's good but
This game is seriously lacking in sounds/music.
Sounds, well, there are practically none. Why not? Make a sound when you use those rocket boosters to jump. Make a sound when you land, because you are not a feather but a badass tank. Make a sound when you shoot, etc. etc. Sounds enchance the gaming experience.
Music, just one tune throughout the game. Not to mention I didn't like this tune very much. Sure it fits somehow, but it could be a lot better. Also, there is a badass boss coming out, and you keep playing this same tune. Like you are in the elevator waiting to reach your floor. Play some cool battle tune when a boss comes. It spices up the situation "hey this is serious shit" when you hear that battle music.
The game was pretty easy and short. Also you have unlimited lives and you get to pick off pretty much where you left off. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but you should have worked it in the gameplay, made the levels a bit harder.
It wasn't spectacular, but it was overall good.